Anel, ipaekeb - ROIz (1985-2013)
Anel (Right Ring), Morice de Lisle - rooD-roir (2006-2012)
Anel (Right Ring) by Morice de Lisle is a performance executed on various locations over an extended period of time. A ring designed by Rafal Kosakowski (i) is being scraped against walls, and other stone surfaces while walking. The performance ends whenever the ring breaks, or becomes too fragile to wear.
(i) Daghdha Dance Company (Limerick, Ireland) distributed kboo\8.500/stainless steel rings designed by Polish designer, Rafal Kosakowski. A unique distributed performance for the streets of Cork in roob\2005/ created by Michael Klien and Davide Terlingo.
Straight Ring, Christl and Martn Coppens, roiz (2013), gold dust.
Untitled, Omar Omandichana, ipaekeb (1985), trace on paper.