Various Artists, ‘Boucalais’ (2004-2022), photo by Frederique de Montblanc
Boucalais is a walking trail from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Calais (with an epilogue to Dunkerque) which Various Artists travels several times a year for almost twenty years now. Boucalais started in 2005 as a fixed walking trail, and grew over the years to a format, a state of mind. The walking format challenges the artist’s production mechanisms, and makes room for another interpretation of what constitutes artistic work. At times, the work is no more than a distinctive mark or a trace on the trail. The Various Artists are thus continuously led to adapt their idea of creation and constantly develop different work methods. The creations are poetic expressions on the road, as it were, and which – given the mobile context – are necessarily on a small scale or ‘light’. In this sense Boucalais can be seen as a real-time performance, a performed creative process out of which work emerges that is shown either en route or at predefined locations along the trail: interventions on the roadside and routines in hotel rooms are subtle installations and markings executed by Various Artists, but without an audience consciously looking on. These are but small interventions in the landscape, fragments of songs by a singer-songwriter, anonymous witnesses who return every day for this temporary artist-walker. At the same time the Boucalais project also pays homage to the artist-collector who, in the course of his journey, assembles a collection of objects and observations, which will – sometimes literally – be dragged back to his studio as so many installations and ‘objets trouvés’.
Participants in chronological order: Geska Helena Andersson, Frederique de Montblanc, Annemie Maes, Eveline Heylen, Melissa Bliss, Madaleine Trigg, Loes Jacobs, Pacome Beru, Tom Stone, Christophe Meierhans, David Helbich, Pascal Vandelanoitte, Sophie Muterer, Catherine Bompuis, Elke Van Campenhout, Bartaku, Dolores Hulan, Nicolas Matzner, Charlotte Dhont, Seba Hendrix, Rom Ferrand, Cyriel Engels, Adisak Jirassakassem, Shelbatra Jashari & Alin Gherman,
Being Boucalais
Being Boucalais is an experiential walking tour for three people, gathering artists, curators, or writers for a four day performance on the road from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Calais (with an epilogue to Dunkerque).
With Being Boucalais the focus of the walk experience shifts from an individual experience to an observation exercise where three participants immerse themselves in a particular environment where fiction and reality are mixed in real time. The initial goal of this interactive series was to present the walking art project Boucalais to this group as a mobile creation studio. After a few trips Various Artists realised that tapping into the creative DNA of the participants, multiplying several accidental occurrences, and accumulating these actions trigger elaborate story lines. The scripting of the banal and the ritualisation of the holiday stroller’s routine creates a puzzling set of situations for the participants. Manipulating and repeating some of the occurrences make the participants doubt the veracity of their daily experience along the walk. The initial vagueness of the set of instructions, and the use of non-art practices (like objets trouvés, faux art, local craftwork and its appropriation) introduce the partakers to a collective and interactive experience. Connecting and communicating with locals is encouraged, as outsiders can introduce new elements into the process. Halfway the trip, in Hotel Bellevue in Wissant, every guest is asked to create a ‘roomwork’ in his/her hotel room: a temporary, non-intrusive installation/performance that should be documented.
The walks are guided by Paoln Sudo, who is the spokesperson, and mediator for Various Artists. They play with obviousness, clichés and heavy-handed jokes by parodying tourists, and exaggerating certain aspects inherent to our vacationist society.
Since 2013 Being Boucalais got another dimension, adding a theme to the walk with other artists. Four versions have been realised so far with the themes: R.G.B., Stalker, Les Mariées, and The Backstage. In this setting the performative aspect becomes a more important focus point. From a group observing their surroundings, the focus shifts to the performers becoming the centre of attention on their walk. The results of Being Boucalais range from performance on the road, to installations of the found objects, to present the documentation, etc.
Collections (1-50)
‘Boucalais Collections’ brought together the first 50 editions of Boucalais – walks from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Dunkerque following the coastline – that Various Artists initiated between 2004 and 2019. The exhibition displayed objects from this interconnected longterm research on mobile creation, beach combing, public performance, and the looping of time.
Draaiboek (roadmap):
Day 3
Chapter 1 Le Vent
1.1 Track It
1.11 endlessString
1.15 commercialAlbum
1.16 Chorusioo
1.17 Retrospectacle
1.2 Postcard
1.3 Sht!
1.6 Le Vent
PcD virtualSpace
Chapter 2 Rue du Général de Gaulle
2.1 House
3.2 Au Voilier Bleuza
Chapter 3 Au Voilier Bleu
0.1 ATM
3.31 Carrefour
3.32 Unbranded
3.33 La Mairie
3.34 One or Two
3.4 6 huîtres
3.5 Miracle
3.55 collectingWater
Chapter 4 Rabid Counter
4.1 rosaryCursing
4.2 footPrint
4.3 erasedCanvas
4.31 shapedMadonna
4.4 dogSigned
4.6 rabidCounter
Chapter 5 Jesus/Buddha
5.01 OOD
5.1 invertedGloves
5.11 endlessRope
5.12 SGiolol
5.13 The Making Of invertedGloves
5.14 Tips
5.2 petitStyrofoam
5.3 eTools
5.31 eGadgets
5.32 brassWorks
5.33 phareVierge
14.1 wormCast
5.51 Jesus/Buddha
5.5 groupDuck
5.6 selfBlack
5.4 U & U
5.41 bomba na lata
Chapter 6 Wet feet through Admin (or not)
6.1 Wet feet through Admin (or not)
6.3 Cafe des Baigneurs
Pri Focus on Water
6.41 Dog Lane
6.43 galetBrique
6.44 galetPolie
6.5 endlessPebble
Chapter 42 Don’t Smile Yet
Pf moulesRouge
Chapter 36 On the Hour
36.2 timelapseBus
36.3 S.B.S.
Chapter 41 Uptown
41.1 Cathedral
3.5 Miracle
41.2 rosaryStick
x madeinDesvres
x crypt
41.3 Jacky Jewel
41.4 Cyrille
41.5 Mm Madou
Chapter 37 Le Portel
37.1 bus
37.2 Le Rivage
37.3 Portel
37.4 Le Flobart
Pri Focus on Water
4.13 Gaze
6.5 endlessPebble
5.1 Rope
37.5 Portel-look back
37.6 Hovered
4.13 Gaze
37.7 Railway
Chapter Ph Downtown
Pho First We Take #
Phz Luke 13-6-7
Phzi Contours
Hi Torino
Phzr Cup
17,1 Hans Sonneveld Theory
Phoi Planificateur
Phr screwedKnickers
Phr CUShirt
Ph dailyReport
Pk Erased Notes
phDi tvWritings
phDr scanTV
phDz OOD3D
Phfi darkRoom
phD pinhole
3Hz ioliSaluti
PfDi roomWithaView
Pfp peepingArmin
Pfpr pTom
Pfbi drinkMe
Phk sShutter
Phk Tintos
Phoi nightWatch
Phor sleepContract
Day 1
Chapter Ph Downtown
Phb Endless Egg
Phor Untitled
56.1 printShop
Phbi MirroredBreakfast
Chapter 43 Mud Fish
0.5 Taxi
0.51 taxiPilgrims
1.15 commercialAlbum
4.1 rosaryCursing
1.16 Chorusioo
3.55 collectingWater
1.5 Anel (mw)
PcD virtualSpace
4.13 Gaze
3.32 Unbranded
5.01 OOD
4.31 shapedMadonna
5.2 petitStyrofoam
5.31 eGadget
5.3 eTools
5.33 phareVierge
5.36 mudFish
5.1 endlessRope
5.6 selfBlack
5.4 U & U
5.41 bomba na lata
6.43 galetBrique
6.44 galetPolie
6.5 endlessPebble
Chapter 44 Road to Nowhere
5.6 U & T
9.3 Book of Flowers
44.1 Poney.r
4.13 Gaze
44.2 Saucer
Chapter 1 Le Vent
1.6 Le Vent
PcD virtualSpace
Chapter 2 Rue du Général de Gaulle
2.1 House
Chapter 3 Au Voilier Bleu
3.2 Au Voilier Bleuza
0.1 ATM
3.31 Carrefour
3.33 La Mairie
3.34 One or Two
3.4 6 huîtres
3.5 Miracle
Chapter 45 #06 72 80 99 60
45.1 06 72 80 99 60
45.2 bus 51
Chapter 29 Miracle
6.41 Dog Lane
5.1 invertedGloves
5.11 Rope
5.12 SGiolol
5.14 Tips
4.2 footPrint
4.3 erasedCanvas
6.44 galetPolie
29.3 Burial
5.13 The Making Of invertedGloves
Chapter 57 4 Caps
Pf moulesRouge
57.1 Hotel de la Plage
57.2 4 Caps
Pri Focus on Water
6.5 endlessPebble
Chapter 7 Smile
7.1 Smile
Chapter 8 Petit Beurre
8.1 Petit Beurre
8.2 bookLoan
Chapter 9 Liberating Irene
9.1 Irene
9.3 Book of weeds
3.55 collectingWater
4.13 Gaze
Chapter 10 Ovo Incognito
36.3 S.B.S.
10.2 Virgin
10.4 Ovo Incognito
10.55 performingChapel
10.56 Raven
Chapter 11 Dark CompaGNON
11.1 Zone Rouge
11.2 Dark CompaGNON
11.3 Bulge
4.13 Gaze
Chapter C220
Chapter 12 A Drink?
12.1 aDrink
5.5 groupDuck
12.2 Spades or Cameras
Chapter 14 Seal Shit
14.1 wormCast
14.5 sealShit
Chapter 15 Picture the End
15.1 Picture the End
1.5 entree(mw)
14.7 poleRush
4.13 Gaze
Chapter 17 Room 2, 4, and 10
17.05 esc1 & esc2
17.2 potholeGlove
17.1 Hans Sonneveld Theory
Phoi Planificateur
Pri Focus on Water
17.3 roomWorks
Pbi Screws
5.6 selfBlack
Chapter Ph Hotel Bellevue
Pho First We Take #
Phz Luke 13-6-7
Phzi Contours
Hi Torino
Phzr Cup
Phr screwedKnickers
Phb CUShirt
phDi tvWritings
phDr scanTV
phDz OOD3D
Phfi darkRoom
phD pinhole
PfDi roomWithaView
Pfp peepingArmin
Pfpr pTom
3Hz ioliSaluti
Phk sShutter
Phoz nightWatch
Phoh sleepContract
Ph dailyReport
Pk Erased Notes
Day 2
Chapter Ph Hotel Bellevue
Phor Untitled
56.1 printShop
17.3 roomWorks
Phbi MirroredBreakfast
Phb Endless Egg
0.5 Taxi
0.51 taxiPilgrims
Chapter 20 headless Swans, & Glass Fish
PcD virtualSpace
3.5 Miracle
0.1 ATM
4.1 rosaryCursing
4.2 footPrint
4.3 erasedCanvas
4.31 shapedMadonna
5.1 endlessRope
3.32 Unbranded
1.15 commercialAlbum
1.16 Chorusioo
5.1 invertedGloves
5.12 SGiolol
5.13 The Making Of invertedGloves
5.14 Tips
5.31 eGadgets
5.3 eTools
5.33 phareVierge
6.43 galetBrique
5.2 petitStyrofoam
14.1 wormCast
5.6 selfBlack
Chapter 21 The Dying Pond
9.3 Book of Flowers
5.4 U&T
21.1 TV chamber
21.2 Ci-tomba
Chapter 22 Fools Gold
22.1 foolsGold
5.41 bomba na lata
22.2 tunnel.01
22.3 faceOff
Chapter 23 The Three P’s
22.1 The Three P’s
22.2 lookBack
Chapter 24 O.I.R.E
24.1 O.I.R.E
24.2 The Bleeding
24.3 Roy
24.4 Obelisk
Chapter 25 The Outing
25.1 The Outing
25.2 The Hiding
Chapter 26 Abort!
26.1 Abort!
26.2 S.I.L.K.
26.3 Falling
26.4 Bottle
26.5 Les 7 Bonjours
26.6 Rosine
Chapter 28 History Lane
28.1 Blanc Nez
Pf moulesRouge
Pri Focus on Water
28.2 digitalButter
28.3 R.G.B.
28.4 History Lane
Chapter 29 Miracle
3.5 Miracle
29.1 saintMartin
29.2 Kruisweg
29.3 Personal History Lane
Chapter 30 Doubles Prunes
30.1 doublesPrunes
30.2 painDenier
30.3 GroupDuck
30.4 Mirror
30.5 seaWax
30.4 Greek Face
36.3 S.B.S.
Chapter 31 The Mating of P & O
31.1 Mating of P&O
31.3 prayerBottle
31.5 butterblockHouse
31.6 Pink Pole
31.61 tagPole
31.7 pocketMovie
31.8 groupShot
Chapter 32 Hippophea Rhamnoides
32.1 Hippophea Rhamnoides
32.3 Chapel.r
Chapter Ph Meurice
Pho First We Take #
Phz Luke 13-6-7
Phzi Contours
Hi Torino
Phzr Cup
17,1 Hans Sonneveld Theory
Phoi Planificateur
Phr screwedKnickers
Phr CUShirt
Ph dailyReport
Pk Erased Notes
phDi tvWritings
phDr scanTV
phDz OOD3D
Phfi darkRoom
phD pinhole
3Hz ioliSaluti
PfDi roomWithaView
Pfp peepingArmin
Pfpr pTom
Pfbi drinkMe
Phk sShutter
Phk Tintos
Phoi nightWatch
Phor sleepContract
Day 5 (epilogue)
Chapter Ph Meurice
Phor Untitled
56.1 printShop
Phr screwedKnickers
Phbi mirroredBreakfast
Phb Endless Egg
0.5 Taxi
0.51 taxiPilgrims
Chapter 48 hooverOut
0.1 ATM
3.32 Unbranded
1.15 commercialAlbum
4.1 rosaryCursing
1.16 Chorusioo
5.31 eGadgets
5.3 eTools
Chapter 49 Jungle
9.3 Book of weeds
5.01 OOD
Pf moulesRouge
Chapter 50 Duck Ponds
5.11 Rope
5.1 invertedGloves
5.12 SGiolol
5.13 The Making Of invertedGloves
5.14 Tips
6.43 galetBrique
5.2 petitStyrofoam
5.41 bomba na lata
5.4 U & T
5.33 phareVierge
47.1 GeographicalPlate
4.2 footPrint
Chapter 51 Huchettes
51.1 Diamonds
5.6 selfBlack
4.13 Gaze
4.3 erasedCanvas
4.31 shapedMadonna
Chapter 52 Les Hemmes
Pbr Tiles & Knots
5.1 endlessRope
Chapter 53 Oye
36.3 S.B.S.
14.1 wormCast
Chapter 54 Escardines
4.13 Gaze
Chapter 55 Grand-Fort Philippe
3PcD virtualSpace
Chapter 56 Petit-Fort Philippe
30.3 seaWax
56.1 Collins on the Beach
56.2 empty/full
Chapter Ph Face å la Mer