Annual Report.ri
20 years ago the communists in Various Artists adopted the five year planning strategy of the USSR.
NADINE (2001 - 2005)
Years of Fragmentation
BERLIN (2006 - 2010)
The Becoming of Various Artists
NQDINE (2011 - 2015)
Conceptualising Various Artists
Collective Creations
Because of the pandemic, 2021 started early and VA laid the foundations for what the next five-year plan should be:
Ontologie 21-25, deauthorise! (2021 - 2025)
Two shows in 2020 already announced this strategy, working mainly with the essence of being an artist.
various artists & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, August 2020.
Money River.,80 is an installation by various artists & Various Artists that presents a series of works that examine the financial status of artists in a world that seems to ignore their role in society. link
FERMÉ À CAUSE DU COVID-19 – Prolonged Due to Success
(Closed because of COVID-19 - Prolonged Due to Success)
various artists & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, November 2020.
Fermé a Cause de Covid 19, Verlengd Wegens Succes was a concept store/office where clients (artists) were invited to think and work on self-financing outside the art market. The show consisted of a number of sub-programmes:
i / Artist Wanted (link) : A year-long performance where Various Artists, as mid-career artists, make themselves available to an art student one day a week during a full academic year.
r / Kompetron (link) : A marathon of 42 international art competitions where the certificate of participation is submitted as the main entry.
z / Universal Artist (link) : A pencil-drawn portrait on the gallery wall consisting of an overlapping of 144 artist portraits of all genders, ages and nationalities.
h/ Lord Art Prize : An annual, free art competition in which each participant is sent a certificate.
b/ We Hire (link) : We help artists to apply for a drip job at an international company.
D/ Dear Artists : 22,000 artists receive an email with the question if they want to share their “Collectors” contacts.
Ontologie 21-25, deauthorise! (2021 - 2025)
There are currently 8 shows programmed for 2021, all except one in Brussels. n0dine is now the official gallery of Various Artists (shared with nadine 50/50 and hopefully funded by the government) where they plan to develop a curatorial programme with “various others” whose philosophy or modus operandi is compatible with Various Artists..
Joshua 6:20
by various artists & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, February 2021.
A show on writing music conceptually and mathematically
Django Jane, 2021: A video composed chronologically and layered from more than 2000 images available on the internet, portraying composers from the Middle Ages to the present day. The film travels through time, exposes gender/regional inequalities in the arts in general and evolves with the technology used for portraying artists. The soundtrack is a recording of a tuning session by a professional piano tuner
A Perfect Cigarette, 1996 - 2021: A series of "prepared" music boxes that are played in groups of 16.
Corporate Score, 2021: A score of a chamber orchestra in which each instrument performs a superimposed score of the other instruments, except itself.
reCord Player, 1986: A turntable to play 7 records at the same time.
Score, 1986: A mathematicians score for undefined instrument.
by George van Dam & Various Artists, Imal, Brussels, February 2021, CYFEST, St-Petersburg, March 2021.
“I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials... —something neither your fathers nor your forefathers have ever seen from the day they settled in this land till now.
— Exodus 10:3–6 (link)
magasin subventionné
by various artists & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, April 2021, a.Pass, Brussels, May 2021.
The Art of Application Writing.
The show and workshop invites artists to discuss the pros and cons of public funding.
Artists Wanted
by art students & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, June 2021
A year-long performance where Various Artists, as mid-career artists, make themselves available to an art student one day a week during a full academic year. (link)
Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
Q and A 3: a project by Julia Droga and Various Artists. As during Q and A1 (Mango Discipline) they will work on 4 themes (seasons) La Mort, La Heine, L'argent et Le Sang. They plan some "test"-shows in the coming years. Julia Droga (1993) is a french / portuguese artist who mainly does performance art with links to rap culture. The collaboration will take 2 years to finish in a duo-solo show in MAAC. brussels in 2023.
#4 Le Sang
by Julia Droga & Various Artists, n0dine, Brussels, September 2021
Aude Thensiau,, Brussels 2010, photo Sophie Mutterer.
The show will be based on a reconstruction of a studio of Aude Thensiau.
#2 La Haine
by Julia Droga & Various Artists, place to be announced, Brussels, November 2021.
A concert with erosive lyrics derived from "hate" poetry/rap songs mixed with visuals (portraits of the 6 CEO's of the main social media companies promoting hate speech).
Minok An
Solo Show by Minok An (1995), South Korea, n0dine, Brussels, November 2021.