Annual Report.rue (2022-23)

20 years ago the communists in Various Artists adopted the five year planning strategy of the USSR.

NADINE (2001 - 2005)

Years of Fragmentation

BERLIN (2006 - 2010)

The Becoming of Various Artists

NQDINE (2011 - 2015)

Conceptualising Various Artists


Collective Creations

Because of the pandemic, 2021 started early and VA laid the foundations for what the next five-year plan should be:

Ontologie 21-25, deauthorise! (2021 - 2025)

the essence of being an artist.

Money River.,80 is an installation by various artists & Various Artists that presents a series of works that examine the financial status of artists in a world that seems to ignore their role in society. link



i / Artist Wanted (link) : A year-long performance where Various Artists, as mid-career artists, make themselves available to an art student one day a week during a full academic year.

r / Kompetron (link) : A marathon of 42 international art competitions where the certificate of participation is submitted as the main entry.

z / Universal Artist (link) : A pencil-drawn portrait on the gallery wall consisting of an overlapping of 144 artist portraits of all genders, ages and nationalities.

h/ Lord Art Prize : An annual, free art competition in which each participant is sent a certificate.

b/ We Hire (link) : We help artists to apply for a drip job at an international company. 

D/ Dear Artists : 22,000 artists receive an email with the question if they want to share their “Collectors” contacts.


Ontologie 21-25, deauthorise! (2021 - 2025)

There are currently 8 shows programmed for 2021, all except one in Brussels. n0dine is now the official gallery of Various Artists (shared with nadine 50/50 and hopefully funded by the government) where they plan to develop a curatorial programme with “various others” whose philosophy or modus operandi is compatible with Various Artists..