fimoSoft.pae (CC), Various Artists.MUMCXM, 2020, Fimo Soft Clay, 20 x 50 x 4 cm

Various Artists are looking for a producer for the artwork : fimoSoft.pae (CC) of Various Artists.MUMMAQ, 2020. The work consists of 36 balls (diameter 40 mm) of Fimo Soft clay (baked). The balls are a mix of 9 different colours. Each ball contains 8 colours and is named after the missing colour. The first row of 9 balls was treated twice, the second 8 times, the third 16 times and the last 32 times.

fimoSoft.pae (CC) will be shown first at the Q and A (r) show, in n0dine, Brussels from 15 February to 10 March 2020.

The material costs for the production of 3 versions and one exhibition copy will be maximum 280,80 euro (+ shipping costs). For this amount, the producer will receive the first copy numbered, signed and stamped by Various Artists. The 2 remaining copies will be priced at 1735,00 euro each.