“Refusal is the new Acceptance”
"re-FUGUE" is a video installation that can be presented in multiple formats: projection, TV screening, iPad or smartphone display, or streaming. The artwork is created through a blend of human effort and artificial intelligence. It was initially selected for the Watou Arts Festival in 2023. The piece continues to evolve as it is featured in various open calls. With each acceptance, a new version of the portraits is generated, incorporating 36 new faces from local curators. Conversely, each rejection generates a new monologue that contributes to a new animation (see links below).
“Genoeg is Genoeg”, Watou Arts Festival, Watou, 2023 (Annemie & Koen).
“I Am Not Me”, Becoming-Machine, London, 2023. (pending)
“Frequência de libertação” Warbling / Plato, Évora, 2023. (rejected)