Work Week.o

Work Week is a project/format by Various Artists where 5 artists collaborate following a common '9 to 5' day planning. 

Work Week is always site specific and brings artists from various disciplines together. 

The instructions are simple: On Sunday the artists are introduced to each other and to the location. On Monday one of the artists can use the assistance of the others to produce his/her work. The remaining of the week he/she serves as an assistant/collaborator to the others. At the end of the week, during the weekend, the interventions are shown to each other and a public.

Work Week enables artists to experiment with different skills and input from external artists. 

The first Work Week took place on the site of the former producer of faux fur or "imitatiefourure" Tyber NV (Ieper Street 311, Menen). The plant is not only gigantic (8ha), but also empty. The Liberty festival was the last public event that takes place on site. In July the bulldozers come to erase Tyber and leave nothing behind.

For Work Week.o artists from within the collective of Various Artists will create new work and try out the new collaborative format. The participating artists of Various Artists are: Lima Drib, Diederick Dewaere, Marcella.B, Morice de Lisle, and Freddy Grant.