dreamCast presents a distinct series of portraits, a collaborative effort between Various Artists and Artificial Intelligence. Each piece in this collection is an intricate amalgamation of one hundred A.I.-generated avatars, superimposed by the artists' collective. This labor-intensive process, requiring approximately eight hours per image, is (self)compensated at Belgium's standard minimum wage of 11.87€. This practice underscores the often unseen and undervalued labor that underpins the ongoing A.I. revolution. The collection stands as a testament to the intersection of technology and human effort, illustrating the unseen workforce driving the A.I. era.

The pieces are printed on cardboard, the size of a traditional LP record cover, featuring two distinct sides.

On the A-side, titled “R.E.M.,” the portraits represent individuals who have appeared in Various Artists’ dreams during the Rapid Eye Movement phase of their sleep.

The B-side, labeled “Hypnagogic,” features portraits of figures that manifested in Various Artists’ dreams in the hypnagogic state, the intriguing transition period from wakefulness to sleep. This dual-sided approach offers a glimpse into the subconscious realms explored by the artists.

