Joshua 6:20
Joshua 6:20
Joshua 6:20 (1) by Various Artists & various artists (2)
Institutional value: € 27,141.66
Private collector’s value: 39,741.20 € [66.63% AAI (3)]
Sound your trumpets and crack those glass ceilings and ‘structural’ borders!
The installation is conceived as a 'group exhibition', and currently contains 6 unique works by Various Artists.
“When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city”, Book of Joshua.
They want to acknowledge the contributions of Philippe Severyns (Django Jane), George van Dam (A Perfect Cigarette) and Johann Sebastian Bach (CC Violin Concerto BWV 1056).
Average Annual Income
Django Jane (1), VA.WARJKO, 2021, video, variable length.
A video (2) composed chronologically and layered from more than 2000 images available on the internet, portraying composers (3) from the Middle Ages to the present day. The film travels through time, exposes gender/regional inequalities (4) in the arts in general and evolves with the technology (5) used for portraying artists.
one.sing, VA.OMAMdL, 2021, erased music box.
Three 18 tone music boxes (6) with all pins but one (7) removed.
Bramophone, VA.MAQLIB, 1987, record player.
A prototype (8) of a record player able to play 5 records at the same time.
Prospect, VA.MAQNN, 1986, score.
Book of scores based on Human Math (9) for the show Prospect 3 (10), 1986.
CC Violin Concerto BWV 1056 (11), VA.MUMMAQ, 2021, partition.
Corporate Culture(12)d partition, riso on paper.
A Perfect Cigarette, VA.MAQOMA, 1996-2021, prepared (13) music boxes.
for Locust/paperRain (14) by George van Dam & Various Artists, after a prototype featuring in randomJimy (15), 1996 (in memory of Bruna).
"Django Jane" is "a response to me feeling the sting of the threats being made to my rights as a woman, as a black woman, as a sexually liberated woman, even just as a daughter with parents who have been oppressed for many decades. Black women and those who have been the 'other', and the marginalised in society” Janelle Monáe. The Guardian, 2018.
The video was originally intended for Christmas Tuning (with support from Cultural Activities Premium), to be broadcast on 25 December 2020. The project was cancelled.
from Notker Balbulus (840 - 912) to Alma Deutscher (2005).
28,27% women, 20% non caucasian.
icon-tempera painting-intaglio-oil painting-monochrome photography-color photography-digital photography-selfie.
(i) Les Temps des Cerises, (r) Happy Birthday, (z) La Valse d’Amélie
(i): C#, (r): D, (z): E
Souveniers vh Hart, curated by Catherine de Zegher, Kanaal, Kortrijk, 1987.
Human Maths combines the abstract and divine aspects of mathematics with the variables of human generated data and statistics. The predictability of formula driven mathematical arts, and the explanatory aspects of info-graphics, are neutralised into new forms of data abstraction. The possibility of covertly encoding the visual with personal and physical input, unretrievable for an outsider, enforces the idea of a more elaborated and deeper level of abstraction.
a group show focused on drawing curated by Daan Rau, De Gele Zaal, Ghent, 1986.
In this quartet, each instrument plays the sum of the scores of the other three instruments, excluding its own score, originally intended by the composer.
86% of all pins of the 18-tone music boxes were removed mechanically.
Locusts / paperRain is an interactive installation by George Van Dam and Various Artists in collaboration with the technical expertise of Yacine Sebti and Ronnie Ramirez. April 2021, iMal, Brussels.
Locusts / paperRain explores the concept of disaster endings and new beginnings through visual and musical tension-release components. The installation can be seen as an experimental soundtrack of a looping Big Bang. In our current existential times, Van Dam and Various Artists want to create an interactive experience that plays with non-linear time loops and possibly activates critical reflections.
randomJimy (Opera I, II, III, IV & VIII), Kunstenfestivaldesarts, 1996.